A Typical Day
The regular daily structure at Treehouse helps the children to settle into the kindergarten and navigate their way through the day. The routine for the daycare is similar to the kindergarten but follows a slightly earlier time schedule; this enables all the children to have plenty of space to get ready for outdoor play and allows for some sleep time.
Normal Schedule
- 08:00 – Treehouse opens for dropoff
- 09:00 – Dropoff time ends and morning activities begin.
Morning activities include Montessori work, a variety of arts and crafts, music and movement, reading and freeplay.
- 10:15 – Circle time
- 10:30 – Snack time
- 11:00 – Outdoor play/sport in the park, playground or garden
- 12:30 – Lunchtime
See also the Meals section below
- 13:00 to 14:00 – Quiet time.
Includes reading, pre-school activities and Montessori work. Afternoon snacks.
- 14.00 to 16:00 – Activities, games and free play.
- Pickup times at 14h, 15h and 15:45. Closes at 16:00.
On Fridays the pickup time is 14.00
Opening Hours
- Mon-Thu: 8:00-16:00
- Fri: 8:00-14:00
Special Outings
Occasional excursions help children explore the world beyond Treehouse and their own homes.
Out and about, Treehouse kids have visited a local bakery (to see bagels baking), a bookshop (for Halloween readings), a nearby church (for an organ demonstration), and so much more! They have also enjoyed visits from the Munich city police, fire department and a traveling zoo!
Every day our children enjoy a hot, delicious and nutritious lunch prepared and delivered that morning by a local organic catering company.
The healthy morning snack consists of whole-grain breads and a selection of organic fruit or muesli and yoghurt.