Admission & Fees


If you are interested in applying for a spot for your child at Treehouse, please read through all details on our website and then complete the online form.

Click here to Apply Online


If you have any trouble with completing the form, please contact:

Treehouse e.V. is a city-funded parents’ initiative. Because of this, all children registered must reside within Munich city limits (‘Stadt München’ as opposed to ‘Kreis München’). Your child must be at least 1 year of age before applying.

At Treehouse e.V. the daycare and kindergarten are treated as separate entities. Acceptance into the daycare does not guarantee acceptance into the kindergarten; however, priority for kindergarten spots is given to those already in the daycare.

As Treehouse is a parent-run organisation, with parents providing their time on a voluntary basis, we are not able to respond to applications we receive that do not fulfil our criteria.

Admissions & Fees

Treehouse offers childcare to:

Further criteria:


Admission Documents